The Spark Oxygen Hydrogen Injection Plug: Enhancing Combustion Efficiency

Quantum Energy by Buddy Paul

This invention addresses the need to retrofit existing combustion engines with a system that improves fuel efficiency and reduces emissions. Specifically, it focuses on the development of a "Spark Oxygen Hydrogen Injection Plug."

This innovative device integrates several key functions:

Spark Delivery: It acts as a traditional spark plug, providing the initial electrical spark to ignite the fuel-air mixture within the engine's combustion chamber.

Oxygen and Hydrogen Delivery: Crucially, it incorporates a mechanism to deliver a controlled amount of oxygen and hydrogen directly to the spark site.

Versatility: The plug is designed to be compatible with a wide range of fuels, including gasoline, natural gas, jet fuel, and diesel.

By introducing oxygen and hydrogen to the combustion process, the invention aims to achieve several benefits. These may include:

More Complete Combustion: The additional oxygen and hydrogen can enhance the combustion process, leading to more efficient fuel burning and reduced emissions of harmful pollutants.1  

1.Effect of Hydrogen Blending on the Combustion Performance of a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine | ACS Omega - ACS Publications


Increased Power Output: The improved combustion efficiency can potentially result in increased engine power output.

Reduced Fuel Consumption: By optimizing the combustion process, the engine may require less fuel to produce the same amount of power, leading to improved fuel economy.

In essence, the Spark Oxygen Hydrogen Injection Plug presents a promising approach to retrofitting existing engines with a system that enhances their performance, reduces emissions, and improves fuel efficiency.

See Patent

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